Monday, September 17, 2007
More Americana: Roswell
The town is on the map due to early work in rockets; later it garnered more fame due to the UFO story - and now there is a tie-in to aliens and UFOs throughout the whole town - the lamp above is what all the downtown lamps look like at night. Even huge MNC's like Wal-Mart and McDonald's had their UFO/alien tie-in.
We had a blast there checking out the Roswell conspiracy museum, and buying up various alien doodads and checking out some of the elaborately done tourist trap type stuff - crashed UFOs, alien autopsies and all. Unfortunately, we just missed out on going to the Goddard museum. We may have to do a "rocket tour" of NM in a coming vacation as there is so much to see - I'd like to see the Trinity site, too, but that's only twice a year, by tour only. We were able to get onto the White Sands (below) but we had to wait a bit, as the site opened a bit later that day due to military tests.