Sunday, November 05, 2006

Time to Impeach?

Almost a year ago now, I bought a few stickers from One of these stickers says "Impeach 'em all!" and it seems to be gaining relevancy by the day. A few weeks ago, Newsweek found that 51% of people support impeaching the president.

Right after the first Downing street memo, I wanted our representatives to open investigations into the crimes of this administration, but justice and public awareness both seem to move at glacial paces, so I should have been patient - the only problem is that outrage upon outrage has been piled on since and debacle upon debacle has been pointed out and the public reaction seems to be "ho-hum, we are fighting terrorism".

If the Democrats regain power this fall and they don't begin an investigation into impeaching Bush, they will certainly live up to the stereotype of the Democratic part - that stereotype being Republican-lite and spineless to boot when it comes to speaking truth to power.

It's now crystal clear that the desire to impeach Bush is no longer a "fringe" thing. What's also interesting is that the Wikipedia entry on the impeach Bush movement also says that some of the voices calling for impeachment are on the right.

Great blog thanks for posting
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