Monday, October 30, 2006

Republicans: Shut Up and Accept Reality

Laura Ingraham has a silly little book out called Shut Up and Sing - it's what the Dixie Chicks recently adopted as a title of their own, apparently in response.

Well, I saw a great little piece over on and it's called "Shut Up and Accept Reality". While I must reiterate here that I don't consider myself a Democrat, I have found myself in their camp lately since the Republicans seem to have left the planet Earth and set up camp on planet Ideologue a looong time ago...I am so sick and tired of the tidal wave of bullshit coming out of this administration and out of the wingnuts on the right, especially the Laura Ingrahams and the Rush Limbaughs. I heard Ingraham defend waterboarding (a WARCRIME, I might add) just this very morning on her little show - apparently, she thinks anything is permissible as long as we aren't cutting off hands and no one dies. That's very Christian of her.

I'm sick and tired of these assholes on the right using what thugs do in other countries or to us on our soil as an excuse to flaunt international law, U.S. law, and basic human decency at every turn. There is nothing we can do about the crimes other people commit in other countries; however, we can do much about the crimes we do, and that is why the left tends to focus on the crimes of the U.S. I know it's a nuanced point that Ingraham and Limbaugh just cannot grasp, but they really should try - we cannot bomb others into practicing human decency but we can try to be a beacon and an example to others, and practicing state terrorism on grander and grander scales is not going to light that beacon. Let me explain it Biblical terms so these so-called Christians can understand: we have to get the log out of our eye before we can concern ourselves with the mote in others'.

And that's not even starting on these Neanderthals for their attack on Fox for his terminal illness - I cannot believe even Limbaugh sunk this low.

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